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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Be A Creative Musician

So you want to be a recording artist? Are you going to sing or just make the score for your music masterpiece? Are you any good? How can you know until you try? There are a lot of factors to consider when becoming a music artist or in getting started in your endeavors to create the music that you want everyone to love understand and of course play. It is so much easier now to produce your own music, whether it is the full compilation or just the musical score. Technology is advancing in ever increasing speed and while you thought you might one day want to try you may be surprised now at how easy it will be for you to do just that. You can get started the easy way from home and then as your career takes off you can move into the professional recording studios.

You could always try out for shows like the American Idol style of shows that are now on offer in almost every country of the world, even though they change the name of the show itself. However, perhaps you want to have a stab at it at home first just to make sure you don't sound terrible.
There are a wide variety of software options for creating music and you can start out with some very basic free options or you can turn to some more advanced packages it of course just depends on how committed you are to this music thing or whether you are just doing this for the fun of it. Either way check out the options you can find on the internet and perhaps find a blog or forum where other novice musicians are creating their music and get ideas from them about what might be the best software for you.
Make sure that you have written notes about the music as you can so that you can create your master piece over a period of time and remember where you were at when you started. Not everyone can create music in one day or one afternoon so you will generally need to come back to your music at different periods and if you keep good notes you will easily be able to pick up from where you left off.
When you are using home systems make sure that you have some set up on the software or program that you are automatically constantly saving your work because the last thing you want is that you forget to save something and the power goes out or your cat jumps on the keyboard while you are in the middle of getting the notes down just how you want them. In fact lock the cat out because you don't want a meow in the middle of your tracks either....unless you're a weirdo(!).
On that note make sure that you set up the area where you are going to do your work to be as comfortable and suitable for the type of recording you are going to be doing. You don't want to be recording in a room that is facing the street and mixing engine noise in with your music, unless of course that was your intention from the start?
Now there are a lot of steps to actually getting to your final product so make sure you take your time and get the desired results from your music. When you are finished make sure you give your music to others to listen too before you go sending out your tracks torecording studios. While you may think your music is fantastic and your mother or your wife or husband say it is just wonderful, it may be possible that they are just not willing to hurt your feelings.
Find a good friend who you know will be honest with you and have them listen to it. Or find a complete stranger who couldn't care less whether they hurt your feelings and get their response. You don't want to be in the position that you are actually perhaps not very good at this. If that does happen then you can tell all that it was about your music software and that you will give it another shot when you find a better program. But hey that maybe just me because I know I couldn't do it. Either way, why not just give it a go if it has been a dream then you should give yourself the chance to turn it into a reality.