Our lives can often feel very complex and busy, filled with machines and gadgets, tasks and usually people. It can feel as though the pace of life had quickened and we are all struggling to keep up. We are bombarded with information every day - from television, the Internet, magazines and newspapers and so on and so it is no surprise that our minds often feel cluttered and overloaded. When this happens, it can be difficult to think clearly or to relax. Technology has made it possible for us to do more in the time we have, yet the downside is that we are often pressured into doing more, leaving less time for us to have quiet moments to unwind.
Relaxing our bodies and minds is vital for our health. Our minds can only cope with a certain amount of information before they become fatigued and unable to function optimally. If we are overloaded for too long, stress can occur. And as we all know, stress has many horrible side effects, affecting our health and our emotions, our relationships and our ability to perform tasks well. It is a recipe for an unhappy life as well as negative thinking patterns.
A cluttered mind is often a tired mind. A cluttered mind can struggle to think clearly, so never make big decisions when you feel overwhelmed or stressed out. A great way to declutter your mind is to write down the things that are troubling you, things you need to do or things you want to achieve. Writing down helps to clear your head and committing your words to paper makes your intentions and goals more definite and helps you clarify your problems. If something is troubling you it is a good idea to take a step back from the matter and then come back to the problem later when you have had some distance from it.
You probably need to limit your time around negative people because they can clutter your mind as much as negative thoughts. Instead, surround yourself with positive and uplifting people. And lastly, do not see this decluttering as a one-off project - it is something that you need to do regularly to make sure you get the best results.
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