Further to my previous entry, my start to 2012 hasn't been ideal as far as recording goes. In a nutshell, I haven't even come close to recording anything of any use. "Why?" I hear you ask. In a nutshell, a longstanding back injury reared it's ugly head two days prior to me hitting the recording studio.
I won't rave on about my back complaint except to say that it is on the mend with physiotherapy and decreasing doses of analgesia. Add to this the fact that I'm quitting cigarettes gradually and with success, I haven't been the happiest camper for some time....until today. My back feels much 'looser' and there are no shooting pains down my leg. I have an appointment with my G.P next Wednesday to get my C.T. scan results. I'm optimistic.
Entering the recording studio for any musician, be they a band or a solo artist isn't just a matter of walking into the studio and 'record.' Even getting to the studio, with life commitments taking (understandably) a considerable time out of one's free time which is when recording should be scheduled for. Add to this unexpected occurrences arising that can't wait.
In the case of music bands, after arriving at the studio and getting their instruments the way that both they and the sound engineer wants, the biggest hurdle that I found was getting everyone else to be quiet when it was my turn to record. At this times, all other musicians should be out of the recording room. This is a rather odd sensation initially as you know full-well that the other band members are listening intently to only you. For some reason you may feel edgy. The more that you can concentrate on what you are doing, you will soon allay these unecessary jitters. Let's face it folks; you've made blunders in front of of your music colleagues before. Why should a recording studio be any different?
A recording studio should not create an obstacle to creation. Quite the opposite. The recording studio should be a place for creativity, be you a solo recording artist or a member of a band.
Entering the recording studio for any musician, be they a band or a solo artist isn't just a matter of walking into the studio and 'record.' Even getting to the studio, with life commitments taking (understandably) a considerable time out of one's free time which is when recording should be scheduled for. Add to this unexpected occurrences arising that can't wait.
In the case of music bands, after arriving at the studio and getting their instruments the way that both they and the sound engineer wants, the biggest hurdle that I found was getting everyone else to be quiet when it was my turn to record. At this times, all other musicians should be out of the recording room. This is a rather odd sensation initially as you know full-well that the other band members are listening intently to only you. For some reason you may feel edgy. The more that you can concentrate on what you are doing, you will soon allay these unecessary jitters. Let's face it folks; you've made blunders in front of of your music colleagues before. Why should a recording studio be any different?